The Path of the Sacred Spaces

The Path of the Sacred Spaces

This is a magical place and full of history, completely unpolluted, where the nature reigns supreme with all the strength, the deep and subtle energies and entities that run the vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms. Here is possible to create a deep contact between all these energies and our inner reality, our soul, which wants nothing less than to make the state of peace and fullness that comes from the participation of our being in the deep processes of creation in consciousness and deep lucidity.

For this purpose, we are creating a path that can guide you, so you can go inside the woods and at the same time go inside a vast and wonderful space that is inside of yourself. In this way, an inner dialogue can be active, a magical resonance and a fusion with all that is clouded by the appearance of things, which in reality it constitutes, governs and supports them.

We will show you the way to follow, how to do it, the steps to reach, the experiences that you can live there. It is up to you have the sincere and firm will to let yourself go, the courage and acceptance of being able to get lost in this wonderful journey. You would have to leave behind all the thoughts, all the worries, because if you really abandon them and let yourself be carried away by your soul, everything will no longer be the same, you will reborn into a new life, your hierarchies will change, your references will not be more outside of you, but within you. They will be found inside your being and inside your heart.

Are you willing to enter?

What are the elements that make up nature and therefore also the Path of Sacred Spaces?

The elements are: The Earth, the Water, the Air and The Fire. Each of them is governed by forces that guide life and evolutionary processes on this wonderful planet and not just on this planet.

We will cover these 4 stages following a specific order. In each of the 4 stages we will be required to live and experience the essence of the Elements within ourselves through sensory, mental and spiritual contact. We will start from the “Earth” (4), from the base, from materiality, which is the earthly manifestation of which we are most aware in the ordinary state of life and awareness. We will meet “Water” (3) linked to the dynamics of life, creativity, spaces and time. We will go thru the rise to get to the element “Air” (2) which represents duality, the feminine and the masculine, the androgynous. And we will finally reach “Fire” (1) the fundamental unity, completeness, essence.

On this journey into the Nature, on this journey within Us, we will become aware of all four elements that together make up the Universe (10 = 1). Within Us there are all the 4 Elements, we are the Universe!

& la Terra